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Slicing strings

String Slicing in Python: Extracting Substrings

String slicing is a powerful technique in Python that allows you to extract substrings (portions of a string) based on specific indices. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

Basic Slicing Syntax

Basic Syntax to slice a stringstring_variable[start:end:step]
Explanation : string_variable: The string you want to slice from. ⮚ start (optional): The index of the first character to include in the substring (defaults to 0, the beginning of the string). ⮚ end (optional): The index of the character after the last character to include (not included in the substring). ⮚ step (optional): The number of steps to take between characters (defaults to 1, including every character).

Understanding Indices

⮚ Indices in Python strings start from 0 (zero-based indexing). ⮚ The last character has an index equal to the string's length minus 1.

Extracting a Substring

Creating a substring in python by slicing a string original_string = "" # Extract characters from index 0 (inclusive) to index 5 (exclusive): substring = original_string[0:5] print(substring)



Extracting from the Beginning

Slicing string from beginning in python original_string="" substring = original_string[:7] print(substring)



Extracting Until the End

Extract a string from another string by slicing in python original_string="" # Without specifying end, goes to the end of the string: substring = original_string[7:] print(substring)


Extracting Everything

Extracting same string using slicing original_string="" # Slicing the entire string (same as the original string): substring = original_string[:] print(substring)


Reverse Slicing (Negative Indices)

⮚ Python supports negative indexing, starting from the end of the string. ⮚ -1 refers to the last character, -2 to the second-last character, and so on.
string slicing from reverse in python original_string="" substring = original_string[-10:] print(substring)


Slicing with Steps

⮚ The step parameter specifies the number of characters to skip between included characters. ⮚ step=2 includes every other character.
Slicing string by steps in python original_string="" substring = original_string[::2] print(substring)



Remember: ⮚ Slicing creates a new string; it doesn't modify the original string. ⮚ Slicing out of bounds (e.g., original_string[100]) will result in an IndexError. Example:
Example of slicing strings in python name = "" # Extract first name (assuming no spaces before): first_name = name[:name.find(" ")] # Extract last name (assuming no trailing spaces): last_name = name[name.find(" ") + 1:] # Reverse the entire string: reversed_name = name[::-1] print(first_name) print(last_name) print(reversed_name)

Output moc.xobslairotuT
We hope this explanation clarifies string slicing in Python


★python ★ string
